Platelet-Rich Plasma PRP treatment is commonly known as the “Vampire Facial.” It has become more popular in cosmetic dermatology for multitude of skin benefits. “Recent cases in New Mexico have highlighted the risks of PRP treatments such as the spread of HIV. This incident shows the lack of safety measures at spas and beauty clinics that offer such treatments without a medical liscence”, says Dr Niketa Sonavane, leading dermatologist in Mumbai. In this article we aim to equip you with the facts of why this incident occured. Besides this we will also discuss how you can be vigilant and ensure your own safety while undergoing PRP treatment in Mumbai.
Why did people in New Mexico get HIV from Vampire facial PRP treatment?
- PRP treatment is a medical procedure which only a dermatologist or plastic surgeon should conduct. But in New Mexico, it was offered without medical doctors at an unliscensed spa.
- The transmission of HIV in these cases occurred due to unsterile and shared needles and syringes.
- Improper handling or contamination of blood products occured during the PRP preparation process.
What you can do to ensure your own safety during PRP Treatments?
1. Research Clinics
Before undergoing PRP therapy, research clinics thoroughly. Choose reputable medical establishments with experienced dermatologists and positive reviews.
Stay away from spas and beauty clinics that offer such treatments without a medical liscense.
2. Check Credentials
Verify the credentials of the dermatologist performing the procedure. Ensure they are board certified and experienced in PRP treatments.
Stay away from estheticians, beauticians, and non-medical persons offering such Vampire facials in Mumbai.
3. Ask Questions
Don’t hesitate to ask about the procedure. Ask about safety, sterilization, and training. A knowledgeable and transparent provider will address any concerns.
Stay away if the providers are reluctant to answer your questions or give vague answers.
4. Observe Hygiene Practices
Pay attention to hygiene practices during the procedure. Ensure that the treatment area is clean, and the dermatologist and staff follow proper hand hygiene and wear gloves.
Stay away if you notice unclean, unhygenic environment and equippment.
How we ensure your safety during PRP treatment at Ambrosia Aesthetics, Mumbai
Dermatologists, like Dr. Niketa Sonavane, see the importance of following strict safety rules. These rules prevent such serious mishaps. Here are some key measures implemented in our clinic to ensure the safety of PRP treatments.
1. Sterile Technique
We adhere to sterile techniques throughout the PRP preparation and injection process. This includes using sterile equipment. It means wearing gloves and keeping a clean environment. This minimizes the risk of contamination.
2. Training and Certification
Our nursing staff go thorough training and certification in PRP procedures. This training ensures they are skilled and capable. Besides this they also undergo ‘Continuing Education’ and ‘Skill Tests’ at regular intervals.
3. Patient Screening
We screen our patients thoroughly to identify any risk factors before recommending PRP treatment. This includes assessing medical history, current medications, and previous procedures.
4. Quality Assurance
We do audits and use quality assurance measures to ensure that our safety rules work and find areas to improve. This includes watching staff follow protocols. It also includes doing periodic reviews of clinic practices.
5. Disposable Equipment
We use only single-use disposable equipment such as needles, syringes and PRP processing tubes. This further minimizes the risk of infection.
In Conclusion
“If you intend to undergo medical cosmetic treatments, then choose your clinic wisely. Prefer quality providers such as dermatologist owned clinics over discount offers at spas”, urges Dr Niketa Sonavane.
At Ambrosia Aesthetics, Mumbai, our lead dermatologist, Dr. Niketa Sonavane prioritizes patient safety during Vampire Facials and PRP hair treatment. They do this by implementing tough safety measures. These measures allow them to provide safe and effective PRP treatments to their patients. The treatments ensure optimal outcomes while minimizing risks.
Call 9930993600 to book your consultation for Vampire Facial in Mumbai.
Dr Niketa Sonavane, Leading Dermatologist in Mumbai
Online Consultation Available.