Medically we call excessive sweating as ‘hyperhidrosis’. And ‘Bromhidrosis’ is the presence of body odour. If you are suffering from these conditions, you are likely to be tired of using deodorants, perfumes and antiperspirants. This article is written by Dr Niketa Sonavane who specializes in excessive sweating treatment in Mumbai.
It may not be only your underarms that are troubling you. Some of you may have sweaty feet which cause foot odour and repeated fungal infections of the toe webs. While some others may have sweaty hands which make writing and working on the keyboard difficult. Excessive sweating in the armpits also ruins expensive silk blouses and shirts by causing embarrassing sweat stains on clothes.
Several surveys show that people with body odour are less popular at work and in social circles. Most of them do not know or refuse to acknowledge that they have body odour. Some of them think it is normal to have body odour. And very few of them are aware of the advanced treatment options available.
Excessive Sweating Treatment
We treat excessive sweating or hyperhidrosis with Botox at my clinic. US FDA has approved Botox for treatment of excessive sweating. Thus we know that it is safe, effective and the best treatment available on an International level. Topical treatments also reduce excessive sweating. But these always lead to irritation and reactions.
Call 9930993600 to book your consultation with Dr Niketa Sonavane.
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