Full Body Skin Lightening in Mumbai

Glutathione Skin Lightening in Mumbai – Skin Lightening Expert

This article is written by Dr Niketa Sonavane, top Dermatologist in Mumbai. She specializes in skin lightening treatment in Mumbai since 2011. Dr Niketa Sonavane was the first dermatologist to start Glutathione Injections in India. This was way back, in the year 2011.

Injections of glutathione for skin whitening are very popular in Japan, Korea, Philippines and other South East Asian countries. These painless intravenous injections are usually done twice or thrice a week. In Indians, skin whitening most commonly starts after 2 months and injections are continued till the desired effect is achieved.

Before the glutathione injections start, a course of skin lightening skin care, glutathione pills and oral glutathione boosters is started.

Maintenance is done by continuing the skin care and Glutathione pills.

Glutathione injection treatment is FDA approved in many countries. It is considered absolutely safe if it is done by a well trained Dermatologist.

Today many fake Glutathione injections and pills are available from suspicious dealers. The quality and contents of these products is questionable. These products do not give any results and can even be harmful.

Glutathione skin lightening in Mumbai is safe and effective only if it is done by a dermatologist specialized in this field.

Call 9930993600 to book your consultation with Dr Niketa Sonavane.

Best Dermatologist in Mumbai

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