Milia, Molluscum, Mole Removal Mumbai – Laser, Cautery, Surgery

Milia, molluscum and moles are skin growths that look alike. They all have very causes, but the removal process is very similar. “While moles and milia are genetic in nature, molluscum is a very contagious skin infection”, says Dr. Niketa Sonavane, top dermatologist in Mumbai, India and founder of Ambrosia Aesthetics. In this article we delve in to the causes and removal of milia, molluscum and moles with laser, cautery and surgery and also discuss the cost of removal in Mumbai, India.

Mole removal mumbai, best Dermatologist in Mumbai, Dr Niketa Sonavane

What Are Moles?

Moles are genetically predetermined. They may be flat or raised and vary in colour from light brown to black. In Indian skin, moles rarely pose the threat of cancerous change. Most common cause of removal is for cosmetic reasons. However it is important to have a mole checked if it suddenly starts changing colour, increases in size and if it starts itching or bleeding.

Mole Removal Before and After at Ambrosia Aesthetics, Mumbai

Mole removal, Mole removal Mumbai, milia removal, molluscum removal, best Dermatologist in Mumbai, mole removal before and after, Dr Niketa Sonavane
Mole removal, Mole removal Mumbai, milia removal, molluscum removal, best Dermatologist in Mumbai, mole removal before and after, Dr Niketa Sonavane
Mole removal, Mole removal Mumbai, milia removal, molluscum removal, best Dermatologist in Mumbai, mole removal before and after, Dr Niketa Sonavane
milia removal mumbai, best Dermatologist in Mumbai, Dr Niketa Sonavane

What Are Milia?

Milia often resemble white heads. They are most commonly seen on the face especially around the eyes. They appear as white or brownish raised dots. Milia often increase in size and number over a period of weeks or months. The tendency of developing Milia usually runs in families. If left untreated they may form clusters and make treatment difficult.

molluscum removal mumbai, best Dermatologist in Mumbai, Dr Niketa Sonavane

What Is Molluscum?

Molluscum Contagiosum is a highly contagious viral infection seen most commonly in children and in adults with poor immunity. It often resembles acne due to its bright red colour and it extrudes whitish material on squeezing. Mollusca begin as small raised dots and gradually spread to surrounding skin. If left untreated they may grow in size and spread to other areas of the body. Other people living together may also get infected.


Removal of milia, molluscum or moles is a simple process that takes about 5-10 minutes. We make the procedures completely painless by the use of cream or local anaesthesia. The safest and most scarless methods of removal are needling, radiofrequency and surgical excision. Needling is the best treatment for milia removal where we use a small needle to pick out the milia from the skin. Mole removal is best with RF excision or mole removal surgery which takes 10 minutes. While molluscum is either removed by needling or scraping with a special instrument called molluscum curette.

What is the cost of milia, molluscum and mole removal in Mumbai?

Milia, molluscum and mole removal cost depends on various factors such as number of moles, area of involvement, method of removal and expertise of the dermatologist. The price of milia, molluscum and mole removal usually starts at Rs. 4,500 and can go up to Rs. 20,000 in top clinics like Ambrosia Aesthetics, Mumbai.

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