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Molluscum Contagiosum Treatment in Mumbai (2024 Update)

Molluscum contagiosum is a common viral skin infection characterized by small, firm, raised bumps with a dimpled center. Caused by the molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV), this condition primarily affects children but can occur in adults, especially those with weakened immune systems or those who have skin-to-skin contact in settings like gyms and swimming pools. Although molluscum contagiosum is generally harmless, it can be unsightly and sometimes itchy or uncomfortable, leading many patients to seek treatment for aesthetic and symptomatic relief“, says Dr. Niketa Sonavane, top dermatologist in Mumbai and founder of Ambrosia Aesthetics. In this article we will delve in to various aspects of molluscum contagiosum including its causes, treatment, prevention, in adults as well as in infants, on the face as well as other on other body parts.

Dr Niketa Sonavane, dermatologist mumbai, Singapore fellowship

Dermatologist, Skin Specialist and Hair Specialist practicing in Mumbai with over 17 years experience and over 10,000 happy patients.

What is Molluscum Contagiosum?

What Are the Causes of Molluscum?

The causes of molluscum contagiosum include infection by the molluscum contagiosum virus, a member of the poxvirus family. The virus spreads through direct skin-to-skin contact or contact with contaminated objects such as towels, clothing, or toys. Risk factors include:

  • Close contact with infected individuals
  • Sharing personal items
  • Immunocompromised conditions
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Participation in contact sports
Molluscum contagiosum treatment in Mumbai, Dr Niketa Sonavane

How to Recognize Molluscum Contagiosum Lesions?

The hallmark of molluscum contagiosum is the appearance of small, firm, flesh-colored or pinkish bumps. These lesions:

  • Range in size from a pinhead to a pencil eraser
  • Have a dimple or pit in the center
  • Can appear anywhere on the body, excluding the palms and soles
  • Are typically painless but can become itchy or irritated

How Does a Dermatologist Diagnose Molluscum?

“Diagnosis of molluscum contagiosum is primarily clinical, based on the characteristic appearance of the lesions”, says Dr. Niketa Sonavane. In ambiguous cases, a dermatologist may perform a biopsy or use a dermatoscope to confirm the diagnosis.

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Ambrosia aesthetics

Internal cause analysis & personalized treatment for best results.

Dr. Niketa Sonavane offers you personalized treatment plans that are suited to your unique skin, hair and body needs.

Options for Molluscum Contagiosum Treatment in Mumbai

While molluscum contagiosum often resolves on its own within 6 to 12 months, patients seek treatment to speed up recovery, reduce the spread of the virus, and improve cosmetic appearance. At Ambrosia Aesthetics, we offer several effective treatment options:


Cryotherapy, or freezing molluscum, involves freezing the lesions with liquid nitrogen, causing them to fall off. This treatment is quick and effective but may require multiple sessions. Temporary side effects can include blistering, redness, and hypopigmentation.


Curettage involves scraping off the lesions with a sharp instrument under local anesthesia. We use this method for immediate removal and for larger or more stubborn molluscum lesions. There is no discomfort during or after the procedure as we use a numbing cream prior to the removal.

Topical Treatments

Various topical agents can be applied to the lesions to induce an immune response or cause the lesions to blister and fall off. Commonly used agents include:

  • Imiquimod: An immune response modifier that stimulates the body’s immune system to fight the virus.
  • Cantharidin: A blistering agent that causes the top layer of the skin to peel off, removing the virus in the process.
  • Tretinoin: A retinoid that speeds up skin cell turnover and helps eliminate the lesions.
  • Salicylic Acid for Molluscum: A common wart treatment that can also be used to treat molluscum lesions by promoting skin peeling.

Laser Therapy

Pulsed dye laser (PDL) therapy is an option for stubborn or numerous lesions. The laser targets blood vessels within the lesions, causing them to shrink and eventually disappear. This method is precise and minimizes damage to surrounding skin.

Oral Treatments

In rare cases, oral antiviral medications may be prescribed, particularly for immunocompromised patients who have widespread or persistent lesions. This is particularly relevant in cases of HIV and molluscum contagiosum, where the immune system is significantly weakened.

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Sonam HopalSonam Hopal
11:41 20 May 24
Dr Niketa is one of the best Dermatologist.I had suddenly faced problems of skin pigmentation and I visited her clinic and after That I had a long discussion with her and I got result within few months.Dr is very nice.friendly and politely .Clinic also very nice with good staff.I highly recommended her She is1 of best Dermatologists in Mumbai Expert 1 💯,Thank you so much Doctor for great help.
12:55 18 May 24
I visited Dr. Niketa Sonavane for my acne treatment and I was not sure if any treatment could cure it but here it literally worked. Now my face is acne free, sometimes during period I rarely see one acne but that's all, which is huge improvement for my skin. I will be going for pores treatment as well with Dr. Niketa and I hope to see flawless skin.One more thing I would like to add about Doctor is that she listens to her patients so patiently and explains the plan throughly which we rarely see nowadays.I am happy that I reached out to a good doctor for my treatment.
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Zabeen SheikhZabeen Sheikh
07:45 22 Apr 24
Dr. Nikita is an exceptional dermatogist who truly transformed my experience with allergic skin issues. From the moment I walked into the clinic, I felt welcomed and understood. Dr. Nikita took the time to listen to my concerns and thoroughly assess my condition. Her expertise in identifying allergens and recommending appropriate treatments was remarkable. Not only did she provide effective medical solutions, but she also offered valuable advice on preventive measures to avoid future flare-ups. Thanks to Dr. Nikita's guidance, my skin is improving and feeling better. I highly recommend their services to anyone seeking relief from allergic dermatological issues.
Neha TyagiNeha Tyagi
09:18 05 Apr 24
Dr. Niketa is an exceptional doctor, her experience and knowledge are unparalleled. The way she listens and understands problems is remarkable, something not everyone can do. Just by talking to her, half of the problem gets solved. I have seen drastic improvement on my face in just 3 months, all thanks to her. And talking to you is always a pleasant experience.
Natalia ArantsevaNatalia Arantseva
08:11 05 Apr 24
I have come to doctor Niketa with my teenage son with severe acne problem. Doctor explained in detail the cause and treatments began from complete blood tests and according to results we got required vitamins and skin care products. That complete approach to the problem gradually got great results . We are happy to find such doctor ! Highly recommend!

Special Considerations

Molluscum Contagiosum in Infants and Children

Children are particularly susceptible to molluscum contagiosum due to their close contact in school and play environments. “Special care is taken to use gentle treatments suitable for young skin”, says Dr. Niketa Sonavane.

Molluscum Contagiosum in Adults

Molescum in adults can be more persistent, especially in those with compromised immune systems. Additionally, adults may experience genital molluscum contagiosum and molluscum contagiosum on private areas, requiring careful and sensitive treatment approaches.

Molluscum Contagiosum and Pregnancy

While molluscum contagiosum itself does not pose a significant risk during pregnancy, treatment options may be limited due to safety concerns for the developing fetus. Consultation with a healthcare provider is essential to determine the best course of action.

Molluscum on Face

Lesions can appear on various parts of the body, including the face. Molluscum on face requires careful treatment to avoid scarring and ensure cosmetic satisfaction.

How to Prevent Molluscum Infection from Spreading?

Preventing the spread of molluscum contagiosum involves several strategies:

  • Avoiding skin-to-skin contact with infected individuals
  • Not sharing personal items such as towels, clothing, or sports equipment
  • Practicing good personal hygiene
  • Keeping lesions covered with clothing or bandages
  • Avoiding scratching or picking at the lesions

When to See a Dermatologist for Molluscum Treatment in Mumbai?

Consult a dermatologist if:

  • Lesions are numerous or large
  • Lesions are located on the face or genitals
  • You have a weakened immune system
  • Lesions become infected, red, or painful
  • Home remedies and over-the-counter treatments fail to work
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FAQs About Molluscum Treatment in Mumbai

Is M. Contagiosum Contagious?

Yes, molluscum contagiosum is highly contagious and spreads through direct skin-to-skin contact or contact with contaminated objects.

Can Molluscum Contagiosum Go Away on Its Own?

Yes, the condition often resolves without treatment within 6 to 12 months, but treatment can help speed up the process and prevent spread.

Are There Any Side Effects of Molluscum Contagiosum Treatments?

Side effects vary by treatment method but may include redness, blistering, hypopigmentation, scarring, or minor discomfort.

Can Adults Get Molluscum Contagiosum?

Yes, while more common in children, adults can also contract molluscum contagiosum, especially those with weakened immune systems or those who engage in contact sports.

How Can I Prevent the Spread of Molluscum Contagiosum?

Avoid direct contact with infected individuals, do not share personal items, and practice good hygiene. Keep lesions covered and refrain from scratching.

Is Molluscum Contagiosum Dangerous During Pregnancy?

While molluscum contagiosum itself is not dangerous during pregnancy, it’s important to consult with a healthcare provider to determine safe treatment options.


Molluscum contagiosum, while generally harmless, can cause significant cosmetic and symptomatic concerns. At Ambrosia Aesthetics, we offer a range of effective treatment options to help you achieve clear, healthy skin. If you suspect you have molluscum contagiosum or have any concerns about your skin health, contact us to schedule a consultation with Dr. Niketa Sonavane, a leading dermatologist in Mumbai. Our team is dedicated to providing personalized, high-quality care to help you achieve your skin health goals.

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