Wrinkles may be in the form of fine lines, expression lines, sagging, folds and volume loss. These start appearing after late 20’s and increase with age. In any given person one or more of these forms of wrinkles exist by the age of 35.

Dr. Niketa Sonavane
Dermatologist, Skin Specialist and Hair Specialist practicing in Mumbai with over 17 years experience and over 10,000 happy patients.
All these can be effectively managed to give quick, natural and long lasting results. The results are most natural when the wrinkle correction is started at an early age. More like the adage ‘a stitch in time saves nine’. The ideal age to start Botox and dermal fillers such as Restylane and Juvederm is by 30 to 35 years of age; as soon as you notice the unwanted lines and folds.

Dr. niketa sonavane
Ready for the Ambrosia Aesthetics Experience?
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Youth maintenance or wrinkle removal treatments under my care begin with a complete assessment of the skin and facial structure to determine the problem areas. Past and present photographs may be compared. The findings are discussed with the patient and a treatment plan is made for the correction of the desired areas. The treatments are carried out over a single or multiple sessions depending upon the patients comfort and convenience.

Dr. niketa sonavane
Ready for the Ambrosia Aesthetics Experience?
Don’t just take our word for it — come and discover real results and cozy ambiance that our happy patients are raving about.
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